I am glad you are here. I believe you have arrived here in your journey for a reason. Your reason might be to connect with heavenly loved ones, pets, and angels. Maybe you need a pet conversation to learn more about your pet's physical and emotional well-being. Perhaps you are looking for insights, or help with life issues. Or, maybe you do not yet know your reason. Whatever your reason, all are welcome.
I often hear from people that it never dawned on them to consider that a medium or a psychic could be of help to them. It can.
Frequently those suffering with grief, depression, thoughts of suicide or self-harm tell me that they wish they had known sooner that getting help from a psychic was an option. It is.
Are you seeking? Answers, solutions, connectivity, healing and more await. Peruse my site and select a service that is right for you. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

For more than 40 years, Teresa has shared her gifts with clients, the public, law enforcement and animals far and wide. Teresa has been featured on News programs and radio shows. She has been a key note speaker as well as a guest speaker for numerous events, including suicide prevention seminars and trainings. Teresa's book What Happens the Day After has been lauded a saving grace for teens and their families who are seeking relief and healing from grief and depression. Her work has saved lives.
Teresa has dedicated herself to helping others discover inner peace, connect with their spiritual selves, heal, and communicate with their loved ones and beloved pets beyond the physical realm.
Teresa believes in the ABC's of Life; always be connecting, communicating, and discovering to live the life you love.
Teresa's uncommon approach and deep understanding makes her a trusted guide and counselor for those seeking balance, healing, connectivity and more.
Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Spiritual Guide, Mental Health Counselor and Curator of the Invisible. What is a Spiritual TAG Team Reading?


Connecting with the Spirit World

Spiritual Healing and Guidance

Animal Communications
(here and beyond)

Mental Health & Wellness


What Happens the Day After?
What Happens the Day After: Messages from Adolescent Suicides is an embodiment of messages from teen spirits speaking their truths about the unspoken in a way like no other vehicle.
What Happens the Day After tells more than just a tale; it speaks of a universal truth, sadly for hundreds of thousands of teens around the globe. Teen suicide is a silent epidemic which, sadly, is exponentially increasing every year. Through her, the unspoken stories of anger, depression, fear, and anxiety come through with piercing truthfulness.
“…what do you do when someone speaks with a voice that pierces the veil? What amazing realization comes rushing in when a kid who’s taken their own life finds a way to express why they did what they did, and what they are experiencing on that other plane.”
From Forward by Jenny McCarthy

Teresa's new suicide prevention book, "What Happens The Day After?" chronicles the experiences of adolescents who ended their lives and what they learned after the fact. The book, an enlightening, unique experience, is helpful to parents and students or those seeking answers to what happens after a loved one has passed, reveals three things: 1) how Spirit influences our daily lives, 2) what parents can do to help a child at risk including recognizing signs of at risk children, and 3) an all-important message to adolescents that there is a bigger life plan than the pain they may be feeling in the present moment. More about Teresa St. Frances
Book Reviews

Pure & Unconditional Love -- message from Teresa
"We’ve all heard it said that our pets love us unconditionally. Imagine what the world would be like if we each loved one another unconditionally. We have so much to learn from our beloved pets.
My first love in life was my grandfather’s German Shepherd, Duchess. When my grandfather died, Duchess came to live with us and she mourned his passing for months. I would come home from school and sit with her every day and we would talk. I would hear her sweet words in my head and sometimes even out loud. We became close friends. She died about six months after she came to live with us, and I was devastated.
However, I saw her a few days later sitting in the same place next to the radiator in the kitchen, and she was happy and smiling. She talked to me as if she were alive. I could feel her brush up against me; her fur was soft and warm, as if she were still alive. We continued to have a special bond until I went away to college.
As an intuitive and an angelic reader, my abilities to communicate don’t start or stop with your human loved ones; they also include your beloved pets. Pets have their very own special way of communicating to me through my intuition so that I can relay those heart-felt messages back to you through them.
Our pets hold the key to humankind’s most wanted attributes and traits; loving others for the highest good, nurturing us, honesty and loyalty – just to name a few. It’s no wonder they have so much to say. I am so grateful my gifts include speaking their language.
After having my own experiences with animal communication, today I enjoy communicating with all animals both alive and deceased. I specialize in dogs, cats, birds, horses, rabbits, and most farm and zoo animals. Within a 60-minute reading, I can communicate with up to three animals.
The loss of a beloved family pet member can be devastating. Contacting our furry family members in the afterlife is always a comforting joy. When I connect to the heavens to talk to your furry family members, there are also deceased family and friends who want to talk, therefore it’s best to book each spiritual reading for 60 minutes.
It’s comforting to know that your loved ones are sharing space with your beloved pet family, as well. They all have so much to say and share. Not only can I listen, but I can convey – their heart-centered messages delivered right to your heart." --Teresa